So, I generally don't wear nail polish. It chips too easily and I can't afford regular manicures. And I pick the hell out of my cuticles so I don't generally like to draw attention to my hands. However, I have always been amused by nail polish names. My friend Heinz created some fictional racist polish colors after discovering that "Black Rage" was, in fact, a real color. I'm more entertained by OPI's recent country- and region-themed collections which take bad puns to a whole new level.
Consider, for example, the colors in their new Swiss collection:

GROAN. And I thought Carrie Bradshaw's puns were bad.
Inspired by OPI, however, I'd like to propose some Boston-themed colors:
Ben A Fleck of Gold
Boston Teal Party
Creamy Chowdah
Mayor Menindigo
BU-tiful Blue
Red Sox Rage
Louisa May Top Coat
Saugus Chartreuse
Orange You Glad You Don't Live Off the Orange Line
Kelly's Roast Beef Green
Jamaica Plain Beige
Concord Grape
Sam Adams Apple Red
I'm sure I'm missing some obvious ones....fellow Beantowners, feel free to chime in in the comments!
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