Was anyone sorry to see it go? What a hot mess of a year. It was a very turbulent year for me and I definitely overdid it in terms of celebrating its end on New Year's Eve. In the tradition of People, one of my favorite magazines (stop judging me), I thought I'd reflect on some of the zeniths and nadirs of my last year in the first decade of the 21st century.
2009 was my first full calendar year in Boston. It was the year I became a published poet. A year in which I was single for less than a month (compared to being single for virtually all of 2007 and none of 2008). In 2009, I worked at an incompetently-run sushi restaurant that is now closed before getting hired at a legit high-end establishment. I traveled a good deal in 2009, visiting friends in Chicago and San Francisco, hiking in Telluride, and getting stung by a jellyfish in Puerto Rico. I joined a vocal band and spent time with a radical feminist. I watched one of my brothers graduate from college and one of my friends from college get married. I saw Britney Spears in concert for free. I discovered that two people I thought were close friends actually were not. I cooked a prime rib roast and rode a mechanical bull. In 2009, I drank too much, spent too much, and wrote too little. I went skiing for the first time in three years. I became a sex columnist and an Elite Yelper. I felt lonely, I felt exhilarated, I felt exhausted. I tried and failed to get a job at Uno's Pizzeria. I threw myself two birthday parties. I won $100 in a karaoke contest. For the first time in years, I kissed someone I loved at midnight on New Year's Eve.
I could go on, but I'm ready to let 2009 go, aren't you?
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