Yesterday I finished piecing this basket quilt. I just have to put some handles on it. I tried to do it with needleturn applique but it was quite lumpy so I am going to try to make a template in the round shape and then trace it and applique it on the fabric. This is made for my LQS.
I saw these baskets in a book and I thought I would use my scraps. So now that I finished this one for the LQS I can start my own. I am going to make it in pink and brown scraps. Next weekend I am going to go to a quiltmarathon! It is going to be so cool! It is from fridaynight untill sundayevening. So I am now cutting all the pieces from my stash. I hope to have everything ready before next weekend so I can just sew and sew and sew.
I also think I am going to start cutting for a Ocean Waves. I saw a scrappy one made by Bonnie Hunter which was lovely! http://www.quiltville.com/oceanwaves.shtml
She also haves this great stash/scraps systems that is worth reading about!http://quiltville.com/scrapusersystem.shtml

Well I have a pile of scraps waiting for me so...wish me luck.
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