Let me tell you what we did and show you some pictures.

Friday we arrived at 18:00 found a spot to sit and started sewing. I sat with my friend Weronica. I started on my baskets quilt and Weronica started on her Stack and Wack quilt. At 19:00 dinner was ready. We had salmon which was delicious!
After dinner we went back to sewing. Some people used this weekend to finish things others started on new things.
Vivi who sat behind me did the handsewing of binding on all kind of quilts. Carin worked on her Jeansquilts. Ann-Christine worked on a quilt made of Wuthering Heights fabric, her daughter Jessica made a babyquilt for a friend, Ann-Christine's mother did some handquilting on a fabulous Jenny Beyer quilt. Torun and Marie did a lott of bags if I remember correctly and they are very artistic with freemotion quilting, Angelina embroidery and so on. Elisabeth had a package of different fabrics for some time and wanted to make something from that and made a quilt. Lena K finished her Thimbleberries club quilt...(I still have to finished that one..)Lena T did a double sided quilt. I can't for the life of me remember what Annette made. I think it was a stack and slash quilt. Eivor arrived on Saturday and prepared a Jeansquilt.

We all spent quite some time going around and seeing what the others were doing.
I went to bed at 23:00. Some people went on until 1:30 but that was a bit to late for me.
Saturday breakfast was served at 08:00, with freshly baked bread ..*hmmm* We started sewing again,...and sewing. We had a coffeebreak and at 13:00 we had lunch, quiche with salad.

In the evening we had show and tell which was a lott of fun. It also was interesting to see as we have so many different people in the group.

We have Lena who is a artist. She does a lott with painting on fabrics and so on. She also had exhibitions. This is a picture of a quilt she made. It is a picture of her and her husband, her children and grandchild. The picture doesn't do the quilt justice.
Maria does a lott with things as Angelina, painting fabric and something called Artist Trading Cards but I don't have any pictures of her work..*sorry*.

There were a lott of other quilts like this Stack and wack. It is so fun to see that it looks so different then mine. We had quite a chock with show and tell. We had some larger quilts to show, so two girls climbed unto the soffa to hold it...and fell trough it!..*lol*
Some people were up until 2:30 so I have been told and had a lott of fun..*s*

On Sunday the time pressure set in. Everybody wanted to finish there projects and there wasn't much time for lunch ...at least I was eager to get my basket quilt ready and I was getting so close....and I did it! I haven't decided on borders yet ..but that will come

I had a great time and we had a great gang of girls. The next date is set for 16,17,18 September. I can hardly wait!
When I came home on Sunday evening I was so tiered and my arms hurt from the intense sewing. I could hardly lift my cat into my arms....*lol*. Yesterday I slept most of the time. Later today Weronica is coming and we are going to sew our Amy Butler bags...
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