Wednesday, August 4, 2010

So so few...

Hi guys, I thought I'd pop in to say hi.. I know my posts have been rather few lately and I do apologise.

I have been feeling very oh-so tired, long term dry cough...

I wondered why... maybe it was rather normal to be tired since we recently relocated our lives from a rambling house to a shoebox, from one state to another, from one financial situation to another... or maybe it was rather normal since our last holiday was early 2007... maybe it was because since we landed in the Blue Mountains Feb 2010, we have not stopped, every week seems to be a rush!

But now it's clearer: after some blood tests and jaunts to the doctor, I learnt I have glandular fever and suffering from the whooping cough's 100 day period.

And I do need some rest.

My daughter's first day at ballet this week

I'll be back soon! Meanwhile, I hope you are doing way way way better than I am and enjoying the last vestiges of summer/winter!


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