I particularly enjoy reading witty "10 questions about some famous person" and enjoyed reading in that issue an interview with Arik Levy, designer for Living Divani, Molteni and Baleri Italia... so I thought I'd give the questions he was asked a go myself!
(This is not an exercise in self-promoting etc, but just to have some fun with myself!)
And besides... it's Saturday.
Tell me five words to describe yourself?
Comfortable. Efficient. Colour. Linen. Eclectic.
What words do you most overuse?
What's your idea of a perfect day?
Left alone at home on an overcast 20°C with a car, left to potter around, to read, to have a long shower, to do a little gardening, to bake to some good music.
Do you have any regrets?
Only two weeks ago I read How to Live Without Regret by Charles Stanley and was so encouraged by it. Stanley clarifies that regret is rooted in unresolved guilt. I.e. regret is without forgiveness. (Forgiving yourself and the other person) One of the most important questions about regret is "Was there something more I could have done?"
In the light of the above, yes... I regret I did not say enough "I love yous" and "Thank yous" and "Sorry's" when I could have.
What's the quality you most admire in a man?
Strength of character and body without violence, strength enough to apologise, strength enough to love and strength enough to be sad.
If you could be any other nationality what would it be?
Are you religious?
Not in the traditional sense, but I am a Christian, living and breathing.
What is your favourite snack?
Green mango pickle (Chinese style)
What do you think you'd taste like?
What talent would you most like to possess?
To be able to make money to be able to give money.
If you were a vegetable, what would you be?
A cucumber: versatile in all sorts of dishes, a source of relaxation and a "cooling" agent.
And if you were an animal?
A dolphin: they are around water (which I love!) all the time, they smile perpetually and they're extremely clever.
What was your dream job as a child?
Newscaster. I loved that their job was to read aloud. (I've grown up to hate that now heheheh)
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
How do you define style?
Mature yet child-like outlook on life, quietly confident about yourself and what/who you believe in, and an ability to hone your home to reflect that quiet, confident space inside you.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I'd love to be able to handle +25°C days better.
Do you have a motto?
Just get it done!
What would you do if you ruled the world?
Make beautiful furniture CHEAPER!
*Speaking of magazines I'm very very very disappointed that Domino Magazine is closing its doors due to the tough times in the USA economy :( I really enjoyed reading the issues... one of my absolute favourites!
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