This is a selection of pickings from my rose garden. (The previous owner left me about 15 gorgeous different-coloured rose bushes. YAY! I've always wanted to have heaps and heaps of rose bushes.)
When we moved in back in July, they were pruned right back. Now they are bushy with plenty of foliage and buds aplenty! Both my mum and mother in law would absolutely love it.
The red one you see above, is as large as my hand and pulsates with a heavy perfume. This is from a very slim rose bush from outside our bathroom window.
Yay, can you see that one red rose bud at the top? I'll be getting another rose from that for my desk soon!!
I love being at my desk these few days, what smell, what freshness, what headiness... mmmmmmmmmm!
The orange one is from our driveway and it’s got a lighter, more citrusy scent. The pink one at the back is an old rose without much scent.
This is a shot of the second rose this spring, taken a week ago! (First one was mangled.. bleh)
We’ve had a blackbird with orange eyes and beak peck at our guest bedroom window for weeks everydayfrom dawn till dusk. (Luckily we've had no guests recently.)
Thwack thwack thwack all day. At first I thought it was rabid heheheh. Then Google yielded up information: it was attacking the other bird in the window reflection. But still didn’t know why until this past Monday:
It’s a small nest! It’s now mid-spring so the eggs have gone... And I only spotted it because the bush is thinning out.... I love the nest! If it gets used next spring I might do a daily shot of it... (if I remember).
I also discovered that I have a - very young - OLIVE TREE! (I think.)
This is at the back of the house, next to my olive tree... My mum-in-law identified it as a chinese lantern plant. I have 4-5 of these next to each other in different colours :) These delicate whisper-thin flowers only look good on the plant. Once you pluck the flowers, they close up immediately and wilt and turn brown!
I have also been looking for a birdbath for a while now but unwilling to pay much for it... Finally got a simple ceramic one on eBay for only $16!
That is Hannah trying to feed my cast iron sparrow with leaves and flower petals heheheh. She’s convinced that the bird needs to eat after showering in the cool water.
My dismal looking potted garden (dismal because I have sooo few). It’s actually my pride and joy since I bascially multiplied them myself ... Hahahaha I just realised... Out of the 8 pots, only 2 are NOT the same plant hehehe
You can just see tiny bursts of pale pink in that Bitossi planter (which usually sits in my kitchen sill but enjoys sun now and then). It was a cutting from its mother, flowering succulent:
This is the view from my kitchen window:
Isn’t that pretty? I mean the fence is horrible, but the burst of flowers! My neighbour's rambling rose swings onto my side and is heavy with roses... Such a great colour for my ugly fence.
This is where we sometimes enjoy Saturday morning breakfast. Husband makes sunnysideups with thick toast, ham and mushrooms with good coffee (and babycinos). The cast aluminium Victorian table and chair set was a OMG-stop-the-car-right-now-freebie from a house in the area we used to live before we bought. In great condition but for its paint chipping...
Going to paint that fence white.
Plant heaps of poppies lining the fence.
Paint the cast aluminium set either hot pink or bright yellow.
Looking at getting some cane furniture...
Hopefully get more birds onto our birdbath...
Considering installing some water-ponds-in-giant-pots with waterlilies and goldfish!
Hope you enjoyed the tour of our very modest, small in-progress courtyard/garden. (I did not want to show the ugly parts like limb poking, finger bleeding, joy-sucking palms overgrown birds of paradise, and rubbish pile... also soon to be bob-cat-ed out...)
But I did uproot a dead plant today:
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