Well ...I have been scrapbooking a little bit on and off, but now I am really hooked. I really like it. This was how my kitchentable looked yesterday after some scrapbooking with Weronica

Today I was looking at a scrapbookings shop website and saw they had a sale! 20 % of everything. I couldn't let a opertunity like that pass, so I called Weronica and we went to Stockholm. This is what I bought. I just love the pappers.

My best buy was this stamp. On the otherside of the metalic pieces, there is a screwhole were you but the handle of the stamp in. So you can stamp one letter, one line or 2 lines. The shiny metallic side which faces up on the photo is a magnet. So on the otherside of the letters there is a small magnet too. So you can create your own stamp and change it as often as you want. There are several fonts and other things to buy to this basic stamp maker. I love it! (it is made by a scrapbooking company called MM, Making Memories and comes in these tins)

For the patchworkguild I am a member of we had to comlplete 2 blocks with letters and something that starts with that letter. We are going to make an alphabetwallhanging with it and donate it to a childrends hospital when finished. I found these fabrics with prints that I just cut out and applicaded on.

Back to my scrapbooking...
(sorry if there are many spelling errors.....but bloggers spellingcheck is not working... BTW: did you know that the blogger spellingschecker doesn't recognise the words blog and blogger??..*lol*
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