Monday, January 22, 2007

Some snow and finished handquilting

This is a picture I took today when I went for a walk here in Sweden, it is about -9 C here during the day with a hard wind. The sky is so clear, wonderful walking weather!
Saturday night it started snowing and it didn't stop until Sunday afternoon. The cat loved it. He made tunnels in the yard and he was jumping high over it like a hare. In the afternoon DH hung some new seed balls in the trees for the birds.

Today I finished hand quilting the quilt I have been writing about for so long..but now it is done. Here is a close-up of the front and back of the quilting.
Unto the next quilting project!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Crazy Quilt nr 2

Yesterday I finished the second CrazyQuilt RoundRobin. This one was made of Ann-Christine. It was made in whites and other pale colors. She wished for a decoration in pastel colors.

I am really happy with it. I didn't decorated all the seams since I thought it would be to much. I really like the tree as well.

Today I will try to change my handles on the bag I made last week. And maybe I can even squeeze some quilting in :-))

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

14 boxes with what??

As I wrote yesterday, I was thinking of reorganising my closet and some other things in my sewing room, which resulted in me having 14 boxes empty, and still using the same space in the closet and so on. I didn't move anything into another room or something like that. Even stranger..I could move in some of the batting I had in the storage... strange huh?

I think the biggest change was moving my fabrics onto my shelves instead of having it under the cuttingtable. Because I could move a lott of odd stuff in the drawers that were in boxes before and didn't really fill the boxes. Anyway...this is the way it looked:

And this is now!

Looks a lot better...right? I love the way I can see all my fabric. Yes this is all my fabric, not much huh? (not including Christmas and baby fabric)

I found some UFO's some days ago, so I put them unto my DesignWall to have a look at them and see what to do with them. This is how the wall looks now together with my 5 Ocean Waves blocks:

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Big storm and Garage Sale


Here in Sweden we had a big storm on Thursday and an even bigger one on Sunday night. 3 people died and more then 300.000 households are without electricity.

I was visiting IKEA when the storm came to our city. I took a picture of the dark skies that were approaching. (this was at 15:15, during the daytime, it was so dark.) It was a bit scary. Today the wind is still blowing like crazy and a new storm will hit us on Wednesday night. So our week has been a bit strange. The cat is not acting like himself either. I hope it will blow over soon...

A 10 minute walk from were I live, there is a hall were you can rent tables each weekend to sell all you old junk. So almost every weekend I just swing by to have a look. Sometimes you can find these great things like handmade lace, old tablecloths that are handembroiderd and other sewing things. This weekend I found this green monster.But I think I will be able to get it back to a more subtle state with some paints and fabrics!

I just love these old sewing caddies and seem to buy one every time I see one....*lol* I will not know where to put them soon!

Anyway I don't have much planned for today. I am not really happy with the way all my fabrics are stored, so I might take on the big project of reorganising it all... I'll let you know! I am still scrapbooking at the moment, I will show you my work when I am done..there is not much to see just now...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Scrapbook Mania


Well ...I have been scrapbooking a little bit on and off, but now I am really hooked. I really like it. This was how my kitchentable looked yesterday after some scrapbooking with Weronica

Today I was looking at a scrapbookings shop website and saw they had a sale! 20 % of everything. I couldn't let a opertunity like that pass, so I called Weronica and we went to Stockholm. This is what I bought. I just love the pappers.

My best buy was this stamp. On the otherside of the metalic pieces, there is a screwhole were you but the handle of the stamp in. So you can stamp one letter, one line or 2 lines. The shiny metallic side which faces up on the photo is a magnet. So on the otherside of the letters there is a small magnet too. So you can create your own stamp and change it as often as you want. There are several fonts and other things to buy to this basic stamp maker. I love it! (it is made by a scrapbooking company called MM, Making Memories and comes in these tins)
For the patchworkguild I am a member of we had to comlplete 2 blocks with letters and something that starts with that letter. We are going to make an alphabetwallhanging with it and donate it to a childrends hospital when finished. I found these fabrics with prints that I just cut out and applicaded on.

Back to my scrapbooking...

(sorry if there are many spelling errors.....but bloggers spellingcheck is not working... BTW: did you know that the blogger spellingschecker doesn't recognise the words blog and blogger??..*lol*

Monday, January 8, 2007

A Bag day and gametime


I made a new bag today. It is my own Design and made in a corderoykinda fabric. I liked the way it turned out. The corderoyfabric was a bit thick to make the biascord that goes all around the bag and made it pucker a bit. But if I don't find a good other normal cottonfabric to make the bias from to go around, I'll leave it like this..otherwise I'll will do some alltering.
My husband and I are totally hooked on a game called Carcassonne. We bought the game in Holland in Oktober, and now got and expansionkit for christmas, called the dragon, fairy and princess. Well, to make a long story short..I haven't seen much on tv the last 3 weeks..2 more expansions were bought and one is in order. In other words, great game, fun to play with 6 players...but even 2 players are a lot of fun, and games that are fun with just 2 players are hard to find. Here you can find more information about it.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hi Everybody!
Yes, it has been a while since the last post. Been doing a lot of things, but not a lot of it had to do with any form of crafting.
But now the new year has started, new craft plans are made for the new year. One of them is trying to do more quilting. I have one top that is ready to be quilted, resting in the hoop. I really like the quilting part of making the quilts, but somehow there is always a new project that needs to be started, so the quilting is not going so fast. At the moment I am quilting this quilt:
3 days before Christmas me and the girls ( Helena, Sussie, Weronica and Lena) got together to make some Christmas flower arrangements. We had a lot of fun.

I have been working on my Ocean Wavesquilt. I started one in blue, but later changed to make one for myself in the colors I like. I now have a big box with 800 HST that will make the 64 blocks. I used the triangles on a role method, which was fast and accurate!
I am also working on the CrazyQuilt from Ann-Christine. She want hers to be only decorated in pastel colors. I am now making a tree/bush that I will decorate with silk roses.

I started this project as well. I just loved the layout of the stars, with room to do some nice quilting between them. I don't know anything about this quilt yet,...who is going to get big it is going to we will see when I get there..*lol* I am piecing it by hand.

Well I am off to my room and see what other things I can think of to do today.. I have been thinking of a special kind of bag and scrap booking...
