It has been Midsummer here and we went to our cabin, we had some great weather! Also my niece 12 years old has been here for a week, so I have been very busy. But now I have made some pictures and have a garden of things to show you..
I started making a wallhanging called Making Tea by Ani Downs featured in the Australien Homespun Magazine. The wallhanging is 42 x42". The magazine's wallhanging was just 20 x 20", but I found the applique pieces just to small. I made it for the Afternoon Tea party and by a miracle I finished it just on time. Here are some pictures.

I won a quilt on ebay an antique on for just 21 dollars with help of Cathi. Here are some pictures:

I have been working on my Kaleidoscoop and have 5 more blocks to quilt and then I am done!. I started some time ago with quilting a block a day...that worked quite good for a while anyway :-))

I also finished piecing my Diamonds quilt by hand..here are some more photo's

Somebody asked for a close-up of the pincussion we made..here it is:

I made a test-caddy for my quiltingprojects and am now testing it to see how it works. Here are some pictures:

I was working on a Seven Sisters Quilt in red and white, but I had some bad luck with washing my red fabrics (this was allready their second wash) and one of them bled and now all my reds are ruined, so I am quite sad about that. I am now doing my 7th wash of the same reds and they are still bleading and I am now soaking them for a night a special mixture of something...hope this will work
Now I am stitching my Polka Dot Girls and trying a technique that is called square in a square with a special ruler...I will let you know how that works..
bye for now!
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