Just wanted to write about this strange thing that is happening today in Sweden.
A political party, that want less foreigners in Sweden and thinks things like: if there were less foreigners there wouldn't be unimploiment for the Swedish people ...etc.
Well, next september there will be elections and this party has made a campain folder that says these things that has to be distibuted in Sweden bij the mailman.
Since this political view is a big minority and there are many foreigners in Sweden, the mailmen don't want to pass these out. Especially in certain parts of Stockholm were most people are imegrants. But because there is freedom of speach the political party says that they have to pass it out to each household just as they would they other campain folders and stuff
So most mailmen allready called in sick on Saturday and told there office they are not coming on monday. The other mailmen who are working are getting police escorts and from other security companies...
It is a very difficult question: one on hand you have freedom of speech and on the other the wellbeeing of the mailmen, who feel exposed to violence etc.
A other peculiar fact is that Sweden has almost 8 miljon inhabitants and more then 1 miljon are fugutives or workimigrants form the 1960's. Children of imigrants that are born here are not in this number, they are seen as real Sweeds.
Well since I am waiting for some fabric and my quiltmagazine I am longing for the mail today..
I'll let you know..
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