Today I signed upp for my very own blogg. What an interesting forum to write to everybody who wants to reads about what I am doing.
I am Dutch but living in Sweden so this will be a nice way for people to read about what I am doing here.
My big passion is quilting. I am member of several sewinggroups and on-line lists, so I will be also writing about that and what I am doing at home.
Today I will be trying to sort out my sewingroom. I went to Holland to my favorite quiltingstore Petra Prins Patchwork www.petraprinspatchwork.nl and bought a lot of fabric. I have just finished washing it all, so now the ironing and making room in my stash is the only thing left to do.
Today is something we call in Sweden the first advent. So only 3 more to go before christmas. So today everybody starts decorating everything. I mean garden, house even there offices and so on. So I will start decorating this evening and put upp some quilts and stuff.
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