Did you all have a good Christmas?
I enjoyed mine.
I had such a great Thurs-Fri last week that it kinda blew my blues away :) I had to share with you:
I spent Thursday with my husband and child. It's the first in about 8-12 months since we just said no to work and responsibilities. After dropping my 4.5 year old daughter at a playdate, we enjoyed a relaxed grown-up brunch at a
local cafe before tackling some chores (minus constant high-pitched whining and wheedling). After picking up Hannah from her friend's, we then pottered at home together and then had dinner at MacDonalds (yuck, but promised Hannah) and then some late-night shopping for clothes for husband.
And on Friday I found something which is the reason for sharing all this important (albeit personal) information: I went back to do some shopping and couldn't resist walking into bed, bath and table. After being disappointed by much of the bla-di-bla bedding, my eye was caught by a logo I've loved for so long!

Arriving in Australia in April this year,
PIP Studio FINALLY makes it to the local stores!!!!! I have been
waiting so long to see it in Australia it's not funny!
Back then,
PIP Studio did not have bedding. But now!
I could not walk away from the store without my own
PIP Studio bedding. :)
I'm so happy with my new bedding! I coordinated it with a white and grey cotton fitted sheet. Love it :)

I can also now buy
PIP Studio china! Pretty soon I will be buying wallpaper and bags and tablecloths and. other unmentionable goodies! :)
Have you seen their stuff?