I been away this weekend to our cottage, and had some great weather. The cottage is located in the area were I grew up in Sweden. My dad was there with his girlfriend for a 3 week vacation, so it was nice to see him and her since they live in Holland. I had the ribbonwork book with me so I tested making some flowers and I had a lot of fun!
My friend Erika came with us from were I used to live to were we live now and we spend 2,5 days together. She is going to be a godmother in August and asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her for a present. Buy a present?? Doesn't every baby deserve its own quilt?? So on Monday afternoon we started making a baby quilt. I used 2 charmpacks that I order from Fatquatershop a long time ago. I quilted it with stars. It was finished, washed and dry, just before she was going to leave..;-)) I had no batteries in my camera to take a picture, so I thought I would post some old baby quilt/children's quilt pictures. I have made a picture of the quilt "the old" way. *s*

Yesterday I was at the LQS and we decided what classes I am going to give this autumn. So I am going to give some new classes which is fun! Now I am going to make some class-samples. So I will teach: The Crazy Quilt Box, How to make your own pattern for handpiecingquilts: like my diamondsquilt. In this last class they will learn how to draw a pattern, mark and prepare the pieces, and handpiecing over several days.
I am going to take a class in Holland in September of Japanese Applique, which I will teach here later if it is a good technique. Ofcourse I will teach my normal classes like: Handquilting Amish style, hand and machine applique if people want me too. I had these classes the last 3 seasons so most people know this now.
Well, I am off to make a new CQbox for the shop..
Hope you have a great sewingday too!